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Laser Hair Regrowth Machine LLLT hair loss treatment


SH650-1 Laser hair regrowth machine, with LLLT technology, is professional used for hair loss treatment.

The machine uses 808 nm IR laser , 650nm laser ,and 630nm red light, 580nm Yellow Light, 460nm Blue Light to do these treatment:
Accelerate blood circulation to improve regeneration ability of  collagen fibers and promote metabolism;
Modulate the hair follicles;
Regulate oil secretions;
Promote scalp health;
improve hair quality;
Promote nutrient absorption.

SH650-1 آلة إعادة نمو الشعر بالليزر و LED LLLT

تفاصيل الأجزاء

Combination of built in Dual Laser 650nm&670nm hair rejuvenation. Some products use one or the other, but this machine uses both. The result: a more effective light therapy (LLLT) The lasers produce a wavelength of 650 to 670 nanometers that have been shown to increase cellular activity within the follicles. Uses unprecedented 650nm&670nm dual harmonized laser for a curative effect for superficial tissue to elicit bio-stimulation responses to the scalp. the bio-stimulation penetrates deep into the vascular network of the scalp by using a cell signaling process, Resulting in the most effective non-invasive hair re-growth system.

The groundbreaking Laser Hair Rejuvenation Treatment is the first to offer combination light therapy in a hair rejuvenation system. The patented design combines two Lasers and 160 LEDs into a single, HANDS-FREE, Home or spa device for full scalp maximum effectiveness.20-25 minutes treatment 3 to 4 times a week. After 10 to 12 weeks of regular use (as directed) you can expect to see thicker, fuller, healthier hair. Continued use yields even better results.

This low level Laser/LED combination is extremely safe and comfortable, no heat is produced. The iGrow is for thinning hair; those with complete hair loss are not candidates for laser treatment alone.

Laser & LED hair regrowth machine LLLT

Laser power output:650nm diode laser 320mw, 808nm IR laser 2200mw.
LED    power output:630nm Red cool light 1000mw.
                                    460nm Blue Cool light 1000mw.
                                    580nm Yellow Cool light 2000mw.
Treatment Time:  0-60min.
Pulsing time range: 1-10s.
Pulsing delay range: 0-10s.
Device Dimension: 1630*550*500 mm.

Laser & LED hair regrowth machine LLLT

Medicine Sprayer
Spray Hair Care Solution like Minoxidil solution into the hair follicles after cleaning the scalp, before treatment.

Laser & LED hair regrowth machine LLLT

Microcurrent Massage Comb

There are Red light and Electrodes on the massage comb

600-700 nm Red Light generated through a special fliter can increase cell


The Microcurrent generated by the electrodes can accelerate the vessel open on fhe scal


Oxygen spray pen
The oxygen spray pen can generate saline spray by the airflow generated from the Hair Regrowth Therapy machine and do simple cleaning and disinfection treatment on the scalp


خرج طاقة الليزر:  650nm ليزر ديود 320 ميجا واط ، 808 نانومتر ليزر الأشعة تحت الحمراء 2200 ميجا واط

LED    خرج الطاقة:  630nm الضوء الأحمر البارد 1000 ميجا واط
  _cc781905_cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_   _cc7819585-5cde-3194-bbc01901958d94 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad195de-58 bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     460nm الضوء الأزرق البارد 1000 ميجا واط
  _cc781905_cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_   _cc7819585-5cde-3194-bbc01901958d94 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad195de-58 bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     580nm أصفر فاتح بارد 2000 ميجا واط

وقت العلاج:   0-60min

نطاق وقت النبض:  1-10s

نطاق تأخير النبض: 0-10 ثانية

أبعاد الجهاز:  1630 * 550 * 500 ملم

Laser & LED hair regrowth machine LLLT


1.Accelerate hair growth
2. Promotes scalp heath
3. Strengthens hair elasticity
4. Increases hair density
5. Faster growing hair
6. Accelerate blood circulation

جلسات العلاج:

كل أسبوع علاج واحد و 2-3 شهر جلسة ، 8-12 علاج دورة واحدة. بعد شهر واحد يبدأ الشعر بالنمو ، بعد 6 أشهر سوف ينمو الشعر:


- 60٪ -85٪ لأناس مختلفين ،

- زيادة كثافة الشعر بنسبة 40 إلى 60٪

· 85٪ نسبة نجاح في وقف تساقط الشعر

قبل وبعد الصور
Laser & LED hair regrowth machine LLLT
Laser & LED hair regrowth machine LLLT

Packing & Delivery

1.Packing details: Wooden case or aluminium alloy.

2.Delivery details: 3-7 working days after receiving your payment


Related Service

1.Guarantee: We offer 2 years free warranty, lifetime maintain, 24 hours calling service.
2.Service: There is OEM&ODM service for distributor.
3.Training: After you get the machine, there is user manual, maintain manual, training CD guide you to operate the machine.

Should you have any preference for the medical icool skin cooling system designed for superficial aesthetic procedures laser cooler system, welcome to wholesale the low price equipment made in China with our suppliers. Known as one of the leading such manufacturers and suppliers in China, we won't let you down.

شكرًا! تم الارسال.

ال WhatsApp: +86 15321516360

شركة Beijing Sano Lasers S & T  Co.، Ltd


الدور الثانى رقم 7 مبنى مصنع ماوهوا

مقاطعة شوني 101300

بكين، الصين.

الهاتف المحمول: +86 15321516360 (WhatsApp)

+86 18310596873

+86 18519149069

بريد إلكتروني:

مزيل شعر

تجديد الجلد

إزالة الوشم بالليزر

إزالة ندبة حب الشباب

تفتيح البشرة

شد الوجه

إزالة التجاعيد

علاج تساقط الشعر

808nm إزالة الشعر بالليزر ديود

جهاز IPL SHR

إزالة الوشم بالليزر Q-Switch Nd yag

نظام RF ذو إبرة دقيقة

آلة التخسيس

آلة إعادة نمو الشعر بالليزر LLLT

نظام ليزر بيكو الثاني Nd yag

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